Are you a WV parent considering homeschooling?
R.E.A.C.H. exists to support, encourage, and promote Christian Home Educators in excellence by providing activities, opportunities, information, and guidance.
But where do you even begin? As West Virginia’s homeschooling movement continues to grow, it is important to our leadership that we provide answers from reputable sources and communicate accurate expectations for moms and dads wondering if this is a decision that is right for them.

New to Homeschooling
As a new homeschool mom, I remember having well-meaning veteran homeschoolers assure me that I had been homeschooling from the womb, and that if I could teach a child to tie their shoes or to use a potty, I could teach them anything.
A few months in and I wondered if I were doomed. I had struggled with shoe-tying and potty-training! I realized that as the parent in charge of my child’s education, I would get to choose when I would be the instructor, or when I would outsource that and be more of the manager of their education. I am often just learning alongside my child rather than leaning on my own knowledge. There are some courses which make that hard as they get older, but in this day and age, you can find the help you need.
You Can Do This
The important thing to understand is that your current skillset is adequate to make this decision today. Committed parents can succeed as home educators, and R.E.A.C.H. has been assisting families to do just that for 20 years. With the resources available to homeschooling families in our current age, you can quickly address current concerns, develop action plans, and get to work. For many, the success of their homeschool begins by choosing to remove their child from a current system which isn’t meeting their needs. Exercising that right as a parent is a beautiful thing.
We recommend parents visit CHEWV to research what is necessary to satisfy the law as a legal homeschooler. Joining R.E.A.C.H. will give you access to a variety of information and activities and connect you with over 180 other homeschooling parents here in southern WV.
While many parents find public education or private education to meet their needs, we aim to empower those choosing home education by offering relevant, adequate support. Do let us know how we can help you in your journey!
Post by Legislative Liaison Jamie Buckland