How to Become a Member of R.E.A.C.H.
Requirements of Membership
A prerequisite for membership is to have at least one child being traditionally educated at home under exemption-c or educated at home under the exemption-m, IIP Hope Scholars, in grades K4 through 12, with a minimum age of 4 by September 1st and maximum age of 18, with that child still being actively educated at home.
To submit information and fees as designated by the Steering Committee.
To submit a signed agreement of adherence to the Conduct / Participation Policies and all other policies found in REACH guidelines, considerations, and explanations.
To submit a signed acknowledgment of Purpose Statement (Article 1.2), Statement of Faith (Article 2), and Liability Waiver. An individual does not have to be in agreement with the Purpose Statement or Statement of Faith but respecting the statement of faith is a condition of membership. This is the basis on which activities are provided, and the member agrees not to do anything that would undermine these statements.
Members must keep the names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails of other members in the strictest confidence.

Who can Participate in R.E.A.C.H. Activities?

Regular classes, such as Co-op, are for children who receive the majority of their education at home.
Family members are welcome to attend activities with their home schooled relative. Exclusions would include Co-op, Gym & Swim and field trips/classes that have registration limitations.
Children with Disabilities
In the event that a homeschooled child has been deemed to have a disability, the parent or guardian is responsible for providing assistance during REACH functions. If this is a hardship for you as a member of REACH, please contact a member of the Steering Committee.
Special Circumstances
Family members who are visiting from out of town are welcome to attend activities with their REACH family member. Exclusions would include Co-op, Gym & Swim and field trips/classes that have registration limitations.
Families with school-aged children (4yrs old before Sept. 1st) who are considering home schooling may be invited by REACH members to an activity. Exclusions would include Co-op, Gym & Swim and field trips/classes that have registration limitations.
Moms who are considering home schooling may attend any Mom's Night Out activity.
Steering Committee may on occasion review an activity and open it up for participation by friends and family of REACH members. All of these activities will be communicated to the membership via newsletter and/or email/Facebook message.

Are you interested in becoming a member?
To join REACH download and read the complete copy of our Membership/Participation Policy. Membership applications and the $20 annual membership fee are processed online. Click the Membership Application button below to get started.