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R.E.A.C.H. Co-op Classes

Co-op offers a tremendous opportunity to homeschool families. Each class offered is given extensive planning. These classes are geared to further enhance and enrich member’s homeschool experience. Each class has a small fee attached. Neither co-op, nor its teachers make any money off of participants. The fees for all classes are kept as low as possible, and are used only to cover the cost of the classes supplies and activities.

We currently offer classes for the following age groups

  • Nursery: for 0-2 years of age

  • Preschool Classes: 2-5 years of age

  • Early Elementary Classes: K-2nd Grade

  • Late Elementary Classes: 3-5th Grade

  • Middle School Classes: 6-8th Grade

  • High School Classes: 9-12th Grade​

Register for 2024 Fall Co-op Classes Completed Through Spaces

Helpful Tips...

  • You may pick and choose which classes you would like your child to take. You do not have to attend all three hours of co-op. Some families choose to attend all three hours of classes offered. Some families choose to attend only two hours of co-op. Some attend only one hour.


  • If you choose to attend all three hours, you will need to attend the morning meeting at 9:50 am. Please plan to arrive at co-op no later then 9:45, so that you have adequate time to enter the sanctuary and seat your family.


  • Carefully review the supplies that you child will need for each class. These supplies should be either gathered from your home or purchased immediately after class registration to ensure your child has all supplies needed at the beginning of co-op classes.


  • All student’s co-op supplies such as pencils, markers, folders etc should all be housed safely inside a book bag or a shoulder bag. Each child should have their own supplies and their own bag. Siblings should not share.


  • If you have a child in Kindergarten, First or Second grade you should write your child’s classes on an index card and safety pin this card to the outside of their backpack. This will help teachers to organize students into groups as they switch to their next class.


  • If you have a child in Third, Fourth or Fifth grade it is left up to the parents’ discretion whether to write your child’s classes on an index card and safety pin this card to the outside of their backpack. Most students in this age group are able to remember their classes without additional help.


  • All students preschool through high school may bring a healthy peanut free snack and water bottle. This may be eaten during the last hour of co-op, which is held from 12:00 - 1:00 pm.

Mark your calendars for the 2024 Fall Co-op

Registration for 2024 Fall Co-op

September 9th-18th



October 4th - November 8th
Fridays from
10am - 1pm



November 8th



You can now register
and pay all co-op fees through our specialized app, Spaces. Contact us to get started…
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